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New Additions to the 5-Star Crystal Pool - August 30 2018


A new cohort of 5-Star Bots are joining the fight! On August 30th at approximately 10 am Pacific time, 12 new Bots will be added to the 5-Star Crystal! These Bots will become a permanent addition to the 5-Star Bot Crystal, and the Featured 5-Star Bot Crystal (available to Commanders that are at Level 40 and up).

These 12 Bots join the current 12 Bots already available in the crystals.

Optimus Prime (MV1)
Hot Rod

Keep in mind that this is an update to the existing 5-Star Bot pool, and not a new crystal. Any Crystals that you may have collected and have been holding on to will also have their pools updated to include these Bots.

If you want to Duplicate one of your current 5-Star Bots, or have a better chance at one of the Bots in the current pool, you’ll want to open those Crystals before this update occurs!

Note: To ensure that the new Bots are indeed in the Crystals when you open them, please confirm that the “Featured Bots” for the Crystal are displaying new Bots. If you want to Duplicate a Bot, or pull from the existing Pool, do not leave it to the last minute, as sometimes these updates can come up to an hour before the advertised time.

Edit: Wrong Megatron changed to right Megatron; it's Tactician!
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