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Mirage electro-disruptor power bonus not given

From my tests of my own mirages and opponent mirages.

Electro-disruptor in power mode is supposed to give a 30% power buff.

Comparing my bot to my other bots that have higher powers less than 30%, Mirage does less damage.

When Mirages special changes the disruptor mode his damage does not decrease.

Mirage has the 2nd lowest atk in the game (beaten only by Mixmaster's dumpster tier atk stat). He needs his disruptor buff to work for him to be balanced.

If you can't make it work after all this time, please just change him so he's on the same level as other characters.


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    ManthroManthro Posts: 2,752
    edited June 2017
    I think you are misinterpreting the term "power".

    In this game, it does not refer to attack rating or damage dealt.

    Power refers to the special attack bar. So, when the ability reads "grants a 30% power buff to the electro disruptor" it means you are gaining 30% more power to your special meter per successful ranged attack than normal. In short, you will charge up special attacks 30% faster than your opponent.

    Buffs to actual attack are usually referred to as "attack damage/rating buff" "melee damage/buff" or "ranged damage/buff".

    Read through all his special abilities a little more closely and you'll understand the distinction in the terminology. It confused me for the longest time as well.

    The worst part is the descriptions don't have default terminology from bot to bot, so it makes it even more difficult to decipher at times.

    Hope that helps.

    One more thing.. Mirage is awesome, just learn how to exploit his different special attacks against the right opponents.

    He can nerf damage better than any bot in the game, makes bots like Ironhide and waspinator hit like they are using pillows.
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    TerminalTerminal Posts: 789
    thanks for clearing that up @Manthro. You're right. I've read other abilities that mention 'power bar', I should have noticed the wording for 'power rate' and not thought of it as power.

    To confirm, you said for ranged attacks. The 30% power only applies to range or is it for all of his attacks? Cheers :)
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    ManthroManthro Posts: 2,752
    I'm not 100% sure, but electro disruptor is the name of his firearm, so I also make the assumption it is only when you are using it.
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