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Future Update Buff/Debuff for Technical Inconsistencies

@Kabam Miike for a future update you could you please take a look at adding some indicators for some of the bots buffs/debuffs? For example:

Rhinox - show his shield recharge time, similar to something like the mod recharges
Prowl - show his Power Inhibitor debuff so you know when it's active
Ultra Magnus - show his attack stacks per Sig... right now it does show his resistance stacks when active

Also it seems some buff stacks lock when performing specials while others do not. For example Shockwave s3, regardless of how close to expiring block stacks are when you hit s3, it locks in. Same with Galvatron s3 (though his S2 will lock stacks if they are not at max 30, strange). It seems like at some point this became coded into specials but it's potentially never been updated for old bots like Prowl. It would great if all s3s locked in whatever buff stacks you had active.
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