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Thoughts on bots... My take

ManthroManthro Posts: 2,752
edited May 2017 in General Discussion
I'm a little bored, thought I'd list some bots that could use some tweaks... Both buffs and nerfs.

This is not a whine thread, just my opinion, do with it what you will:


I feel as though his ability should be reversed to function like so:

When rhinox has shields enabled, he has x% chance to inflict shock damage per sucessful melee strike.

Why? 2 reasons. He is basically a tech bonecrusher, but far more annoying since there is no hard counter to shock damage. This is especially prevalent in alliance missions or other events where there is a time constraint on the battle. You can't dance around and just shoot him, you'll time out.

Add to this his shield serves zero purpose other than to inflict shock damage. It does nothing noticeable in practice other than that. It's just a bunch of charges that might inflict shock damage, and it negates any class advantage for scout bots other than barricade, since he has a ranged heavy.


I understand he is more powerful due to being a demolitions bot and exclusively p2p material (sort of - for the most part)... However... Having his heavy ranged attacks​ do as much or more damage than most bots' special attack (including his own) is a little over the top. A 2* wasp heavy ranged shouldn't be dealing 30% damage to my 3/30 3* bot unless it's a tech bot. Nerf that nonsense a wee bit.


Literally the only bot in the entire game that can completely ignore all class disadvantage. The only tactical bot that can stand against him with any true effectiveness is Ultra Magnus... Which is hilarious since UM isn't all that great against anyone else.

Unstoppable needs a bit of a rework for him. It's a cool skill, but having it trigger on each and every dash is incredibly op when you consider his long reach and how difficult it is to get out of his way.

Maybe have it trigger for an extended time after any special, the same way it does after his L2, as well as a high percentage chance on his dash after his hp drops to 30%, kind of like how MV1 works.


Incredibly annoying as a base defender with certain mods, and yet equally inept as an offensive bot. Needs something more, perhaps a modest power charge ability to offset the lack of power gain from non Crit attacks.


Just horrific to use as an offense bot, yet the AI seems to find a way to irritate you on defense every now and then, with extreme prejudice.

The whole "Mixmaster gets buffs if you don't use certain attacks" is not a well thought out mechanic. Find a better way to stack the buffs other than making the players ballerina around while the AI gains power and buff advantages from only having to fight a one dimensional bot during that time.

That's all the constructive criticism I have for now. Feel free to add or comment on ither bots or anything I posted... Just try to come up with alternatives to "broken" or op bot mechanics if you've got an issue with one of them.

Not giving the devs an idea to work with will only result in nothing being adjusted.



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