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Where is my Daily Deal?

The past day or two when the Tactician Daily Deal, for $4.99, was available, I purchased it but never received the items. Thinking that the purchase may not have gone through or been completed, I tried to repeat the purchase but received a message that I've already purchased it. So, I purchased it, was told that I purchased it, but never received the items for it. So, how do I get the items that I purchased which are not in my inventory?


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    Hey there!

    Can you please send a ticket to our Support team so they can look into this for you? You can do this in game by tapping the Gear Icon in the top left corner for the menu bar at the top of the screen, and then by tapping on the support button.

    The support team has the ability to investigate this situation for you, but unfortunately, we do not.
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    HalloweendmHalloweendm Posts: 395
    Thanks for pointing that out.
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